Saturday, September 3, 2011

Girl Porn

CHICK FLICKS... the girls version of PORN.

Yeah, I just said that.

You know the movies where the insecure, independent, average girl that meets a HOT man who is portrayed to have no flaws. It can really brings emotional lust up and makes you think about things that can hurt you in real life. 

 It makes us girls have an unrealistic expectation of relationship should be...  and what the Bible says. 

It creates a need for perfection in guys and if they don't meet that expectation... you walk away wishing he would just fix those things.

Girls, We need to realize that we need to work on ourselves. Work on being the Proverbs 31 woman instead of sitting around watching movies that mess with our minds all the time and I'm not saying never watch chick flicks. I have watched them and have seen the side effects. Like the saying goes "You are what you eat."

Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.
   The woman to be admired and praised 

   is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-
God - 
Proverbs 31

Blog ya later- ashnmaggard

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