So many times I have caught myself thinking about other peoples reactions...
It ain't good.
Because when you start thinking about other people more than Jesus there is a shift on who is more important in our lives. It is so culturally accepted and it's not cool with me.
Be consumed with the LOVE of Christ.
What we..
Means we have a choice to focus on me, you, them
the most loving, powerful, glorious Jesus that you can meet right where you are.
The more I surrender myself to know Chris and be open to hear the voice of God there is so much more... ahhh... It's amazing y'all.
The other day, I was walking into a gas station here in Tulsa. Just going about my way and grabbing a Coke Zero. The guy at the counter looked up and looked completely shocked. Well I didn't know if there was something behind me or what... so I RAN into the bathroom.
Best place to hide in a gas station...
Suddenly I heard that familiar small voice; "Go pray for that man."
Me; Errr... the paralyzed freaked out guy?
After praying in the spirit for a bit... ya know to calm myself down.
I headed out from my porcelain throne room.
The guy is staring hard and almost runs into me. Immediately I yell "are you okay?'
He mumbled, I don't know.
hahahaha Jesus.
That is when I met Danny.
I told him how much Jesus loved him and how wants to heal his family.
I needed to pray for him.
Than he shouted yes!
So after praying for him and the sweet presence of God fell.
He felt the love of Christ and was completely healed.
Danny looked up and was like "where are you from?'
Told him; I'm just here to get a pop and Jesus loves you Danny.
A completely different person waved goodbye.
So the same Jesus that loves Danny loves you.
So, yeah whenever in life... Jesus can use you even in the small moments.. like when you want a pop.
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