Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Jeremiah 29:11 

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

My story about how I got into photography is something that has taken off into more than I could ever dream about. 

It all start when my mom decided to invest in a nice camera. She went to Best Buy and got herself a Canon Rebel Xsi or 450D. It was a a starter pack with the 18-55mm lens. It was the most  awesome camera I've ever held in my life at the time.

After awhile I started taking the time to learn about how to use a dslr... I only shot in the automatic setting which was the only way I could figure it out on my own.

Then one day I was praying and the name of a photographer came up. So I called her and asked if she could look over my pictures I took. She was very polite on the phone and said I could come in on Tuesday. I was thrilled! I went and printed off some of my pictures and placed them in a album. I was ready to meet her and look over the pictures. 
That Tuesday, I walked into her studio and after a lot of discussing what she knew about photography and going over my picture. She walked me to the door of her studio and told me to come back the following Tuesday for my first lesson. I was shocked.

For the next 7 months, I learned how to pose, lighting, f-stops... etc. It was awesome! I moved from student to assistant. Also, taught a few beginner classes.

Then after graduating from high school,
 I knew I was supposed to go to BSSW for prophetic photography. It was an adventure but I'll save that story for another day. It opened my eyes as far as using my gift to glorify God. Prophetic photography stretched me as a photographer and a follower of Jesus. 

a air filter. I used a macro/wide angle filter on a 18-55mm lens.

a old shed in my backyard.

a senior in a back ally
I love macro photography.

downtown Tulsa.

me in a parking lot.

fun with photoshop.

a maternity shoot in California 

a wedding shoot

I love flowers.

playing with lighting


So, now I'm just trying to learn as much as I can about muti-media/photography and going to a creative media school at a Bible college and teaching photography and photoshop. It was something I never thought I'd be doing but it is something I love and I know God has a plan and purpose for my life bigger than I could ever imagine.     blog ya later    -ashnmaggard

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