Saturday, February 15, 2014

thorns of people.

So many times I have caught myself thinking about other peoples reactions...

It ain't good.

Because when you start thinking about other people more than Jesus there is a shift on who is more important in our lives. It is so culturally accepted and it's not cool with me.
Be consumed with the LOVE of Christ.

What we..


Means we have a choice to focus on me, you, them 
the most loving, powerful, glorious Jesus that you can meet right where you are.

The more I surrender myself to know Chris and be open to hear the voice of God there is so much more... ahhh... It's amazing y'all.


The other day, I was walking into a gas station here in Tulsa. Just going about my way and grabbing a Coke Zero. The guy at the counter looked up and looked completely shocked. Well I didn't know if there was something behind me or what... so I RAN into the bathroom.

Best place to hide in a gas station...

Suddenly I heard that familiar small voice; "Go pray for that man." 
Me; Errr... the paralyzed freaked out guy?

After praying in the spirit for a bit... ya know to calm myself down.
I headed out from my porcelain throne room. 

The guy is staring hard and almost runs into me. Immediately I yell "are you okay?' 
He mumbled, I don't know.

hahahaha Jesus.

That is when I met Danny.
I told him how much Jesus loved him and how wants to heal his family.
I needed to pray for him.

Than he shouted yes!

So after praying for him and the sweet presence of God fell. 
He felt the love of Christ and was completely healed. 
Danny looked up and was like "where are you from?'

Told him; I'm just here to get a pop and Jesus loves you Danny.
A completely different person waved goodbye.

So the same Jesus that loves Danny loves you.

So, yeah whenever in life... Jesus can use you even in the small moments.. like when you want a pop. 


1 John 4:9-11 In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another

Monday, February 10, 2014

Another Typical Valentine's Post For Singles

Well maybe this isn't so typical...

Because instead of telling you a ton of self proclaimed "knowledge" that may make you feel better about doing that Netflix marathon and maybe eating a whole box of the manna from Heaven in the form of Cheez-its on this beautiful holiday that celebrates the love between people. 

Guess what???

This is far from the normal "I'm so happy to be single on Valentines day" FB/blog/tweet/snapchat  because when you post it... cause EVERY PERSON knows your thirsty and need to remind yourself that you are actually are happy. Which it is self-gratifying to be honest. Not trying to be harsh but you know it's true. 

Why do we even feel the need to proclaim in the first place? Maybe because we are trying to fill something because that others think we need? Maybe because we like the distraction of just the moment? 

Been there done that.. and it wasn't till it clicked.
It clicked.

The "it" is love.

Because life is about Jesus's love for you and to show that love to others.
You are so loved by him regardless of your (insert your problems here).
For real.
So this year is different because now I really know true love.

Also, Enjoy these few fun meme's.. they made me giggle.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


We all can get lost sometimes.

Lost in what seems like importance.

Never stopping to catch a breath.

Running and never resting

Is it worth it?

For me, right now, I'm learning the hard way because I didn't stop. That just building one thing on top of another, and not giving it to God... it made me sick. There is a reason that there is a sabbath and it should be respected. In my culture it is not common for people to be still. 

A subway has many flaws and it's always moving.

It's not pretty and it has cracks from years of running back and forth. 

But it has to stop at some point and be inspected.

or it will be shut down.

So, here I am sick as dog and learning my lesson.

Take a break and learn to say no.

Jesus did.

like a subway... we need to move forward but take pauses to clean up the cracks.

Rest in Jesus because when you do, it repairs all the cracks that you have from running.

Matthew 11:28 
"Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

Blogyalater, ashnmaggard

Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Hero people

Coming home to Mannford  helps keep me grounded.  Inevitably I run into people who knew me when.  Whether it’s a lady who had me do sword drills in VBS or those who heard me read my first, rambling, giggling, hyperactive sermon, the people who practically raised you can kind of help you keep your ego in check if you ever get too big for your britches.
(That’s how we say it in Mannford.)
Not only that, but it’s vital to remember the people who helped shape you into the person you are as God elevates you to the place He’s taking you to.  Every chance I get, I try to honor those who invested in me and believed in me when I was just getting my driver’s license and leading youth small groups for the first time.
Don’t ever forget where you come from.  It will limit where God can take you.  Be grateful for the places and the people God used to prepare you.  His purposes are perfect in your life.

Ashley :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Beauty and my Beast.

There is always two sides to every story. 
But the catch to this story... is both sides are from me.

It started when I was young,

 I heard the whispers of loud lying lips from others older than myself and how no matter how hard I would never be truly be the elegant beauty that I desired to grow into.

Never acknowledging the poison that was slowly creeping into my mind.
Until I had let that poison infect every part of my mind.

I was entertaining my BEAST.

After leaving the beast in my mind for so long...
The battle raged inside me.

The beast was all the emotions inside myself that I've been carrying around and was tunnel of lie built on lie.

Who am I becoming? What is true beauty? 

It was finally revealed to me that...

You are not beautiful by what is on the outside because you were created to be different then everyone else. What truly matters is what is on the inside. Things from the outside always absconds fleetingly. But beauty from your actions and your words have effect forever.

Now I must kill the beast and let the beauty be free that comes from the ONE who loves me the most.

It's an everyday choice
 and is it easy?

NO, but it's worth it.

Now, I'm renewing my mind to what the Creator thinks I am, sets me free from the lies and the battle within myself.

Being free from that bondage is the loveliest joy that anyone can feel.

Slowly, I am becoming the beauty I have longed to be and you can have it too....

If you want it.

"You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you."
-Song of Solomon 4:7

 "Let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious."
-1 Peter 3:3-4

BLOGYALATER- ashnmaggard

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Girl Porn

CHICK FLICKS... the girls version of PORN.

Yeah, I just said that.

You know the movies where the insecure, independent, average girl that meets a HOT man who is portrayed to have no flaws. It can really brings emotional lust up and makes you think about things that can hurt you in real life. 

 It makes us girls have an unrealistic expectation of relationship should be...  and what the Bible says. 

It creates a need for perfection in guys and if they don't meet that expectation... you walk away wishing he would just fix those things.

Girls, We need to realize that we need to work on ourselves. Work on being the Proverbs 31 woman instead of sitting around watching movies that mess with our minds all the time and I'm not saying never watch chick flicks. I have watched them and have seen the side effects. Like the saying goes "You are what you eat."

Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.
   The woman to be admired and praised 

   is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-
God - 
Proverbs 31

Blog ya later- ashnmaggard

Thursday, August 11, 2011

spiritual funk?

If you’re in a spiritual funk today, you might want to…

-Pray out loud.
-Write your prayer out.
-Read your Bible out loud.  Start 
-Apologize to someone.  Even if it’s not primarily your fault.
-Talk to someone you trust.  If you don’t have someone, hire a professional.
-Start eating better.
-Drive around listening to a sermon.
-Turn up some worship music really loud.  Shut the door.  Sing along.
-Go back and do the thing you know you were supposed to do.
-Get organized.
-Encourage somebody who would never expect it.
-Get back in church.  Serve somewhere.
-Quit complaining.
-Go on a coffee date with your best friend.
-Tell somebody thank you.
-Give some money away.
-Call on the name of Jesus.
-Remember how far He’s brought you.
-Realize that He’ll never ever leave you.
Just a few ideas to get you started.
You can take it from here…

//via Steven Furtick sermon

Blogyalater, ashnmaggard